Special Events and Receptions

  • 3/15 Aware About Rare: Student Panel on Rare Diseases

    Aware About Rare: Student Panel on Rare Diseases

    Mon 3/15 7:00-8:15p via WebEx

    Join USG Student Services and Student Development Committees in partnership with UConn Diversability in a conversation about rare diseases. In this virtual event, students will discuss what it means to have a rare disease, they will host student panelists who will share their own personal experiences living with a rare disease, and will discuss ways in which people can learn to be allies to this community. Together, we can listen to our fellow students and learn to be better allies. This is a time for us to listen, to learn, and then take action.

    WebEx Link: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m1438a0ce15fca38211898c4a20358949 
    Meeting Number: 120 742 9189
    Password: 2TYnC9i4BTX

    Additional information can be found at https://www.instagram.com/usguconn/.

    For more information, contact: Angela Su at angela.su@uconn.edu