Student Activities

  • 3/27 Host a Skillshare Session for Women in Making

    Spread cultural awareness by hosting a skillshare session during the Women in Making Forum.

    Have you ever wanted to teach others about a skill from your culture?

    We are looking for innovative women who are interested in hosting a skillshare session that is centered around this year’s theme, Global Making. Our purpose is to empower women in the making field. If you have an idea of a skillshare to present, please let us know as soon as possible. The skillshare can be of anything as long as it spreads awareness of global culture. A few examples include cooking, dancing, technology, music, and games. Each skillshare should be roughly 45 minutes long. We will provide any supplies you may need. The skillshare can be hosted online or in person. Open to anyone!


    The event will take place on Saturday, March 27th, 2021. Please contact me if you have any questions. The deadline to register for participation as a skillshare host will be Sunday, March 7th, 2021. You can register by filling out the form. 


    Present a Skillshare

    For more information, contact: Luna Fukami at