Training and Professional Development

  • 2/25 Microsoft Teams for Teaching and Learning

    Microsoft Teams for Teaching and Learning
    Presenter: Karen Skudlarek, CETL-EdTech

    Microsoft Teams can be used for synchronous meetings with your students. All students, faculty and staff have access to Microsoft Teams as part of the Office 365 Applications. Microsoft will be releasing new features in Microsoft Teams in August. We're hopeful this will occur before this workshop. If not, we'll schedule it for a later date. Right now, Microsoft Teams can have up to 9 videos at once, and adapting the Channel feature, breakout groups can be created. The new features will include up to 49 videos at once as well as breakout groups. We will update this workshop as we learn about any other new features

    Thursday, February 25, 10:00-11:00
    Register -

    For more information, contact: Educational Technologies at