Training and Professional Development

  • 2/26 Healing from Racial (or Collective) Trauma:...

    Healing from Racial (or Collective) Trauma: Building Community & Authentic Connection through Contemplative Practices
    Friday, February 26, 1:00 - 2:15
    Presenter: Khalilah Arrington, Educational Psychology

    Teaching talks are interactive sessions where you can meet other instructors to discuss a particular theme or topic related to teaching, mentoring, and course design. Unlike webinars, teaching talks are heavily shaped by participation, though they are facilitated by CETL staff and faculty affiliates who offer tools, resources, and prompts for reflection and discussion. Some topics we may consider include:

    • Key findings about trauma and learning, incl. frameworks of healing and somatic practice

    • Explore evidence-based tools from contemplative practices and their uses in classrooms and in preparing for antiracist teaching

    • Identify ways to build community through the “tree of contemplative practices”

    Register -

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at