Student Activities

  • #iamuconnhartford Campaign

    The #iamuconnhartford campaign was developed to highlight our diverse student body and how each unique individual makes us a stronger community.  The campaign emerged from the #iamnotavirus project, a response to the racist attacks against Asians seen across the globe due to COVID-19. The project lifts up the faces and stories of people of color by activating “social change through intersectional storytelling, history, mental health and civic engagement by seeing and celebrating the individuality in ourselves.”

    You belong here at UConn Hartford because your goals make us stronger.

    Your dreams are our biggest investment, when you do well Hartford does well.

    Education is more than advancement, it is also finding your voice and exceeding your borders.

    Special thanks to the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute and the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies program for their financial support with this endeavor. 

    Follow us on Instagram @uconnhartford, Twitter @UconnHartford, and Facebook @UConn Hartford as we spotlight some of our students. 


    For more information, contact: Hartford Event Services at