Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Helping Students in Distress- Care Team Referral


    We hope the Spring 2021 semester is going well for all of you. As we know, many of our students are already feeling anxious and stressed about the start of this semester. This will continue to be concerning as the workload picks up and they transition to the continued “normal” of social distancing and on-line classes vs. in person classes, quarantining, etc.  This said, The Office of Student Care and Concern wants to provide all faculty and staff with resources to assist in identifying when a student may be in distress.  If you see students exhibiting concerning behaviors either to themselves or others, and/or may be creating a negative impact to self or others, please submit a Student Care Team referral or contact the Office of Student Care and Concern. If you are working with students who you perceive to be threatening, harming or disruptive either to themselves or others around them, submit a Student Care Team referral or contact the Student Care Team at (860) 486-8777. It is important to note, if you believe the threat is imminent, please contact UCPD immediately at 911. If you the concerning student lives off campus or is a commuter, please contact your local police by calling 911 and submit a care team referral.

    As faculty and staff, you have established relationships with your students and you may be the first person to realize there is a change in their behavior. If you receive emails or any type of communication from students that includes language in which the student indicates they are depressed, hopeless, or in distress, please submit a Student Care Team referral. To learn more about these behaviors, please visit the Office of Student Care and Concern’s website at

    This is a new world of interacting, communicating and learning and we want to make sure we are still supporting each and every student to be successful. Thank you for all that you do during this trying time.

    Please feel free to reach out to any of the members of the Student Care Team if you have any questions or need advice for dealing with any given situation.


    Campus Contacts:

    Storrs Campus:

    Claudia Arias-Cirinna

    Phone: (860) 486-8777


    Hartford Campus:

    Christine Mosman

    Phone: (959) 200-3836


    Stamford Campus:

    Erica Granoff

    Phone: (203) 251-8484


    Avery Point Campus:

    Noemi Maldonado Picardi

    Phone: (860) 405-9219


    Law School:

    Jennifer Cerny

    Phone: (860) 570-5244


    Waterbury Campus:

    Kelly Bartlett

    Phone: (203) 236-9871

    For more information, contact: Claudia Arias-Cirinna at