Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 2/10 The Jew as Queer: An Intersectional Approach

    The Jew as Queer: An Intersectional Approach 

    A virtual public talk with Professor Marla Brettschneider

    Wednesday, February 10 @ 2:00PM

    In this talk, we will exploreJewish queer theory through theco-constructed frames of race,gender, sexuality, & class. Thiscontemporary Jewish studiestalk will bring together theseinnovative interdisciplinarystudies to widen the scope ofdiverse critical theories as wellas Jewish, and even Jewishqueer, studies.


    The talk is designed to enableUConn students, faculty, andcommunity members to bringtheir interdisciplinary work intoa Jewish studies frame as it willsupport these constituencies inbringing a Jewish lens into theirstudies in an array of relatedfields across campus.


    Register Here! 


    Dr. Marla Brettschneider is a Professor of political theory at the University of New Hampshire with a joint appointment in Political Science and Women’s and Genders Studies, having founded and /or working within the UNH queer studies, critical race studies, religious studies, and social justice leadership programs. Brettschneider does Jewish diversity politics and political theory, working at the nexus of Jewish, feminist, queer, critical race, class-based, and decolonial theories. She is the author of numerous special issues of academic journals and many award-winning books including Jewish Feminism and IntersectionalityThe Family Flamboyant: Race Politics, Queer Families, Jewish Lives; The Narrow Bridge: Jewish Views on Multiculturalism (with a foreword by Cornel West), and The Jewish Phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa. Brettschneider has co-edited a primary queer studies text for political science (LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader), as well as numerous queer theories works and journal special editions.


    Presented by UConn Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life; UConn Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program; Uconn Department of Political Science and UConn Philosophy Department.

    For more information, contact: Sherry Zane at