Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • Post Positivity to the UConn Joy Wall

    While 2020 has been a struggle for all, it’s important to reflect on the past year and think about what brought you the most joy. Was it having extra time with family at home? Appreciating nature more, or even finding time to focus on your physical health? Maybe you finally found time to finish your degree you’ve been working on? CELEBRATE your accomplishments! Use them to build on your strengths. You can boost your happiness by focusing on positive things; focusing on moments of feeling proud, being grateful and feeling joy and writing them down will help you find ways to carry those positive thoughts into the next year.

    For the month of December, Human Resources is focusing on Self-Care as part of the December Well-Being Programs. We’ve created a virtual UConn Joy Wall, for us all to reflect on the joy and accomplishments we’ve experienced in the past year. Feel free to share/post positivity and where you’ve found joy on the wall!

    For the link to the UConn Joy wall, as well as access to our December well-being programs, visit the Human Resources Work/Life - Health & Wellness webpage .

    For more information, contact: Vicki Fry at