Special Events and Receptions

  • 12/2 Join us for a Discussion on Covid Workload Issues

    Dear Colleagues,

    I hope this finds you well and staying healthy.  I am sending this note to invite you to an upcoming Office Hours I am holding on Wednesday, December 2nd at 11am.  After a few of these with students and staff, finding a prescient topic to focus on seems to generate a good deal of conversation.  For this office hour, I would like to focus on the issue of our current work difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.  This issue is impacting us all, but specifically our female faculty and academic staff colleagues.  Although I have stood up an Ad hoc Task Force to discuss possible solutions for the spring semester, the Task Force can only be so large and it is important to hear as many voices as possible on this important matter.  So, please join me for a lively discussion.  Looking forward to seeing you all.

    Best regards,

    Michael Bradford

    Professor Dramatic Arts

    Vice Provost for Faculty, Staff and Student Dev.



    To RSVP and get the WebEx link Click Here:


    For more information, contact: Amanda Pitts at amanda.pitts@uconn.edu