Student Activities

  • 11/15 PEdS Holiday Card Sale Submission Deadline

    The Pediatric Education and Service (PEdS) group, run by UConn Health medical students and faculty, is accepting submissions for the annual Holiday Card Sale!

    For those who are not familiar, every year, the PEdS group reaches out for submissions for holiday cards made by children of the UConn Health community/faculty. Every year, we host a holiday card sale to help continue to support the events and services provided by the PEdS group. As a group, we will vote on which submissions will be printed for the sale. Please feel free to include your child's age, and your contact information so we can reach out if your child's submission is selected this year!

    Artwork for submission can be handed into the drop box outside of the MDSG office (also Lisa Francini's office), room AG-060We will be accepting submissions through Nov. 15. If you are not able to come in to drop off the artwork in person, feel free to scan and email them to me at, or reach me here for any questions or concerns.​

    Any questions, concerns, or issues dropping off the artwork in person, please feel free to reach out to me at


    For more information, contact: Caity Miller at