Training and Professional Development

  • Thriving at Work Series Continued

    The Office for Diversity & Inclusion is a proud sponsor in collaboration with The Ombuds Office, The Graduate School, The UConn Foundation, Human Resources, CETL and OIE of the following event: “Climate at Uconn”

    The Thriving @Work Series is intended to empower graduate students, post docs, staff and faculty with the tools to navigate difficult and/or toxic work environments. Our hope is to normalize the experience by bringing these often-separate groups together to workshop practical strategies to encourage change and promote a more inclusive, welcoming climate at UConn.   

    The Thriving @Work Series continues this Fall every other Wednesday 11:45 - 1:00pm. 

    Click here to see details and for sign up


    For more information, contact: Arpita Mandal at