Training and Professional Development

  • 11/11 Teaching Creatively

    Teaching Creatively
    Wednesday November 11, 6:45-7:45
    Presenter: Wayne Trembly, CETL   

    Participants will leave with specific strategies for teaching more creatively
    At this session, participants will discuss topics like:
    • Tools to enhance creativity, such as SCAMPER, Synectics, Brainstorming, and others
    • The role of choice in motivating students to be more creative and productive
    • Presenting products creatively
    • Taking chances
    • Active learning
    • Bloom’s Taxonomy
    • Playing to your strengths
    • Finding creative ways to present material in order to increase student interest and participation
    • The role of improvisation, role play, storytelling, modeling the real world…
    • Learning games, Ice Breakers…
    • Making it safe to fail
    • Using art and music
    • Divergent and convergent thinking
    • Using student creativity to help plan more interesting lessons
    • Encouraging reluctant students to be more creative
    • Assessment techniques that encourage creative problem solving

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at