Human Resources and Benefits

  • Advertising for Open Positions

    After a successful RFP process, Human Resources is happy to share that hiring departments now have a choice of two firms when advertising for open employee positions at UConn. The available firms are Market Mentors and Graystone. Human Resources recommends using these firms for routine paid advertising or when a position is difficult to fill through standard recruitment avenue

    When engaged, the firms will suggest marketing and advertising options to hiring departments or provide quotes based on departmental needs. The cost of selected advertising will be the responsibility of the hiring department.

    If interested in working with either firm, please contact HR’s Advertising Coordinator, Jess Bowcock, via

    An outline of each firm is below: 

    Market Mentors

    • New England Regional Agency;
    • Uses a data driven approach for advertising;
    • Provides an analytic report for each advertisement;
    • Works within a departments established budget;
    • Charges a consultation fee and provides a quote regardless of whether the position is posted.


    • CT Agency
    • Works with UConn currently;
    • Uses their extensive database of recruitment sources to make recommendations to departments;
    • Provide partial analytics on job postings;
    • Provides free quotes, even if the position is not posted.
    For more information, contact: Human Resources at