Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 10/28 Intersection Between Work and Family During COVID

    TODAY at 11:00 AM!  The intersection between work and family responsibilities during COVID

    This is an opportunity to share your thoughts about:

    •  Implications of our gender, race, family status, and more

    •  Navigating ambiguity and flexibility

    •  Personal strategies - what’s working, what’s not

    •  Institutional strategies – What can the University do to support us? What resources are available or needed?

    Facilitators: Kathleen Holgerson, Director, Women’s Center and Vicki Fry, Manager, Employee Engagement and Wellness

    Meeting Link: 

    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    +1 475-282-1761   United States, Bridgeport (Toll)

    Conference ID: 591 157 410#


    Sponsored by Human Resources and The Women's Center in celebration of National Work & Family Month.  Please visit the Work/Life website for information on other events in October associated with National Work & Family Month. 

    For more information, contact: Vicki Fry at