Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/5 PAN Seminar: Semeon Valgushev

    Particles, Astrophysics, and Nuclear Physics Seminar


    “Phase diagram of QCD and Lifshitz regime: how transverse thermal fluctuations might turn nuclear matter into quantum-spin liquid”


    Semeon Valgushev

    Brookhaven National Lab


    Event Details:

    Date and Time: October 5, 2020 at 2:00PM

    Zoom Meeting Link:

    Meeting ID: 819 264 8596

    Passcode: 9lYjMG

    Note: The seminar will start at 2:00PM, but participants are welcomed to join the meeting at 1:30PM for discussion.



    We discuss dense cool QCD where a region with spatially inhomogeneous condensate might emerge. In that case, QCD phase diagram may exhibit a Lifshitz regime, which can appear either instead of, or in addition to Critical End Point. We study the Lifshitz regime using a combination of large-N expansion and numerical lattice simulations of an effective O(N) sigma model. We find evidence that quantum fluctuations disorder inhomogeneous condensate ("chiral spirals") and give rise to unusual quantum spin-liquid phase. We also discuss how this novel phase can be detected.

    For more information, contact: Anna Huang at