Training and Professional Development

  • 10/8 Reaching Under-prepared Students

    Reaching Under-prepared Students
    Thursday, October 8, 10:30 -11:45am
    Presenter: Wayne Trembly, CETL

    Participants will leave with specific strategies for identifying underprepared students, specifically areas in which they are underprepared, as well as strategies for bringing the students up to speed.

    We will discuss topics such as:
    • Turn it around: Consider how an unprepared or underprepared student feels
    • Assessing how prepared students are (quick, ungraded pretest, short writing assignment, small group then whole group discussion…)
    • Determining what needs to be done to bring them “up to speed”
    • Your responsibility, theirs, some of each?
    • The role of feedback. Types of feedback. The importance of feedback- read and comment upon rough drafts, have checkpoints for projects and actually check them
    • Freshmen in particular
    • On campus sources- the Writing Center, tutoring services, Q center,, the library…
    • Working in small groups, peer editing, peer feedback in general…
    • Study groups for test prep; groups that meet regularly throughout the semester
    • Consider giving work done early in the semester less value in grading: 1st test- 20%, 2nd test 30%, Final 40%, quizzes, HW, class participation 10%- something like that

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at