Additional UConn Information

  • Upgraded Faculty Consulting Approval System

    An upgraded faculty consulting request system is live as of 9/18/20. You will find that there is now a link available to submit requests in the new system at our website,


    This form and the experience of submitting the form is similar to the previous version. However, the most significant change is a new dashboard that will make it easier for faculty and approvers to see where requests are in the system. The new dashboard will also be the starting point to “click to create a new consulting request.” A quick-start guide is available for the updated form at the above website address.


    We are confident that this form will be an improvement on the last version. However, as with any new system, it is possible we will have some glitches that only emerge once the form is out in widespread use. For this reason, please be sure to submit any consulting requests well in advance of approval being required.


    If you encounter any problems in the system or have any questions related to consulting, please reach out to us at the appropriate faculty consulting office:


    For more information, contact: Sarah Croucher, Office of the Provost at