Training and Professional Development

  • 9/9 How Are You Doing? and Other Scary Questions

    “How Are You Doing?” and Other Scary Questions...

    In this session we will cover the types of questions that you CAN ask and what questions you SHOULD ask when you sense that your student might need some assistance or support.  These conversations or situations may include mental health matters, seeking accommodations, taking a leave of absence, or simply engaging a graduate student who may be struggling.  We will discuss conversation starters, tools available to you, ways to refer to resources, and how to document conversations. We will have a facilitated dialogue around ways to have hard conversations to help you feel prepared to appropriately support your students.


    Time:                 1pm-2pm 

    Register:            Through this link

    Facilitators:        Cinnamon Adams, Director of Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Support, The Graduate School

                              Karen Bresciano, Assistant Dean, The Graduate School


    For more information, contact: Megan Petsa at