Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Online forms: Request to Add Course and Pass/Fail

    We are sharing some updates regarding online forms. Our new online Request to Add a Course form is now available. This form can be used for:

    • Independent Studies
    • Adding a course after the 10th day of Classes
    • Requesting Permission to Repeat a Course for a Third time

    This form will route to instructor, department head*, advisor, and then to the Office of the Registrar for processing.  We will send it on to the Advising Dean or Student Services Director for approval if needed. Do note that this form may be denied at any stage – all status updates will be provided via email to the student’s UConn email account.

    *Please note that the form information is populated by hand. Students must populate instructor and advisor information. Instructors must route this to the appropriate department contact-- this may be the department head, the department admin, or another departmentally-identified designee

    Our updated Pass/Fail Request Form is now available.

    This form will route to advisor for review and then to the Office of the Registrar for processing.  We will send it on to the Advising Dean or Student Services Director for approval if needed. Do note that this form may be denied at any stage – all status updates will be provided via email to the student’s UConn email account. You will see emails coming out of this system soon. Feel free to share this email with others. 

    Best wishes for a healthy Fall 2020 semester.

    For more information, contact: Office of the Registrar at