Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • ODI announces 2020-2021 Faculty Fellow

    The Office for Diversity and Inclusion is proud to announce Dr. Milagros Castillo-Montoya as the 2020-2021 ODI Faculty Fellow.

    Milagros Castillo-Montoya is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs in the Educational Leadership Department at the Neag School of Education, Assistant Director of Faculty Development at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), and
    Affiliate Faculty with El Instituto and of the Sustainable Global Cities Initiative. Her research focuses on culturally relevant teaching in higher education particularly for first-generation college students, as well as racially minoritized students.

    Dr. Castillo-Montoya’s scholarly work led her to be selected as an ACPA (College Student Educators International) Emerging Scholar—a prestigious award in the field of higher education. In addition to her research, Dr. Castillo-Montoya has distinguished herself as an outstanding teacher and has recently been awarded Neag’s Zirkel Distinguished Teaching Award.

    In synergy with her scholarship, and in collaboration with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), as an ODI Faculty Fellow, Dr. Castillo-Montoya will focus on supporting two ODI strategic goals: 1) enhancing faculty of color recruitment and retention efforts at UConn and 2) fostering capacity building of critical and inclusive pedagogy and practices.

    Dr. Castillo-Montoya will join the ODI team reporting directly Vice President and Chief Diversity officer, Dr. Frank Tuitt, alongside Director of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, Dr. Jonelle Reynolds, ODI Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dr. Leslie Williams, and Cultural Center Directors; Angela Rola of Asian American Cultural Center, Dr. Willena Price of the African American Cultural Center, Fany Hannon of the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center, Kelsey O’Neil of the Rainbow Center, and Kathleen Holgerson of the Women’s Center.

    For more information, contact: Office for Diversity and Inclusion at