Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Offering a Gen Ed in Winter Intensive? Please Read

    If your department plans to offer a General Education designated course this January for the Winter Intensive Session, please note that all Gen Ed courses need special one-time approval from the General Education Oversight Committee (GEOC) to be offered in sessions of 4 weeks or less. GEOC reviews such courses to be sure that their Gen Ed content is maintained in the condensed format.

    If you plan to offer a Winter Intensive Session course that is not yet approved, please submit your request to GEOC *before the end of September*. Review can sometimes take several weeks depending on how busy the committee and its subcommittees are.

    If you plan to offer a May Intensive Session course that is not yet approved, please submit your request to GEOC by November 1, 2020.

    You can see if your course has already been approved for Intensive Session here:

    Information on how to request an Intensive Session offering can be found here:

    Observing these deadlines will help GEOC ensure that your course is approved in time for registration. Thank you!

    For more information, contact: Karen McDermott at