Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Call for HESA Assessment Project Sites

    In order to support its mission to develop reflective practitioners, the Higher Education & Student Affairs (HESA) Master’s Program offers Foundations of Assessment in Higher Education and Student Affairs (EDLR5102) and Assessment Practice in Higher Education and Student Affairs (EDLR5103) during the Fall and Spring semesters. Students enrolled in these courses complete a year-long, team-based assessment project to support the intended student outcomes of a department or office at college or university.

    We invite all student-interfacing units at the University (all departments and offices in the Division of Student Affairs, Cultural Centers, Advising Centers, First Year Programs & Learning Communities, and Global Affairs—among others) to apply to sponsor a group of 4 or 5 HESA master’s students to conduct an assessment project. Hosting a project involves providing relevant data and contextual information, granting access to the student team for data collection, and designating a project liaison within the unit. The project liaison would have at least one check-in meeting with the student team per semester and provide feedback on the assessment proposal (at the end of fall semester) and the final project (at the end of spring semester). Projects liaisons will also be invited to visit the course and share with the class the scope and goals of their projects.

    The assessment projects will be conducted in accordance with the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board (IRB), FERPA and other applicable regulations, and under the supervision of the course instructor, Dr. Adam McCready. Students will complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) training before initiating any assessment activities. 

    Given the scope of the course, the most suitable assessment projects sites will:

    • provide opportunities for the collection and analysis of quantitative or qualitative data;
    • have a limited scope, demonstrated by a feasible completion by April 2021;
    • involve a formative or improvement-seeking orientation, rather than a high-stakes decision, such as the discontinuation of a program; and
    • enrich and complement, rather than replace, ongoing assessment initiatives in the unit.

    Potential site sponsors are encouraged to contact the course instructor at to discuss potential projects or any questions about their possible involvement.

    For more information, contact: Dr. Adam McCready at