Student Activities

  • 10/18 Speak at TEDxUConn 2020

    The TEDxUConn team is currently looking for any faculty members interested in speaking at our upcoming social distanced TEDxUConn Fall 2020 conference, which will be held on October 18th, 2020.


    TEDxUConn is a student run group, licensed by TED, that independently organizes the TEDxUConn event each year. Our goal is to bring together members of our community to give talks that provoke learning, inspiration, wonder, and conversation. Our conferences are structured around a theme, and our theme this year is Patchwork.


    How can one build up to something bigger than the individual and contribute to the whole? Each piece is unique and necessary, and each stitch is a connection. 


    This statement is meant as a guide and abstract starting point for a talk; it is not a prompt. 


    Please fill out the application below and remember that the power of TED talks are rooted in their accessibility and relatability, so consider how your idea appeals to a global audience!


    Faculty application: 


    ***Please also email us a copy of your resume/CV to*** 


    Please fill out the application if you would like to be considered as a speaker by 11:59 pm on August 31st, 2020. If you would like to nominate a colleague, we would love to reach out to them. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions and thoughts.


    We currently plan to have our conference outdoors or live-streamed to maintain social distance.


    Thank you for your consideration,


    For more information, contact: TEDxUConn at