Training and Professional Development

  • 8/11 Technology for Engagement in Synchronous Session

    Technology for Engagement in Synchronous Session Workshop
    Tuesday, August 11, 10:00-11:30

    Presenter: Tina Huey and Karen Skudlarek, CETL

    In this workshop we will discuss activities to get responses and interaction from students in a synchronous session using various technologies. It will include polling options in Webex, Collaborate, Microsoft Teams, iClicker, and Poll Everywhere as well we breakout groups in Collaborate and Microsoft Teams.  Microsoft is releasing breakout groups in August so if it's not available when this workshop occurs, we'll review it another time).

    We will not go into a lot of detail on each technology but will offer another workshop to cover the details.  Specifically, there will be a workshop for iClicker and Poll Everywhere.  iClicker is paid for by the student where Poll Everywhere is free for the instructor for up to 40 responses.  If you need more than that then the department must pay for a license which is $349 for six months.

    Register at -

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at