Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 12/10 Holiday Sale at The Benton Store Begins Tues.

    IT'S HOLIDAY SALE WEEK at THE BENTON! It's the stuff of legends! You won't want to miss it!
    Everything is discounted — jewelry, scarves, tees, fabric bags, teapots and mugs, glass paperweights, toys and novelty items and more! Great gifts for everyone on your list.

    Tuesday's discount is 20%.
    Wednesday's is 30%.
    Thursday's is 40%.
    Friday's is 50%.

    How much of a risk-taker are you? Will those awesome items you love on Tuesday still be there on Friday? or should you buy them when you see them? Hedge your bets and come every day!

    STORE HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 8:30 - 4

    ... and be sure to check out the exhibitions! December 15 is the last day to see them.
    CONVERGENCE: Contemporary Art from India and the Diaspora
    FRAMING PHOTOGRAPHY: New Additions to the Benton Collection

    GALLERY HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 10 - 4:30, Saturday and Sunday 1 - 4:30

    School of Fine Arts
    University of Connecticut
    245 Glenbrook Road
    Storrs, CT
    For the latest exhibition and event news, Like us at

    For more information, contact: The Benton at 860-486-4520