Important University-Wide Announcements

  • UConn Academic Vision Update

    Dear University Community & Colleagues:

    On behalf of the University Academic Vision Committee (UAVC), I write to express my thanks to all members of the UConn community who participated in the Strategic Area Advisory Teams (SAAT), either as Team members or open forum participants. In total, we organized nine SAAT working groups, including 138 faculty members from across all Schools and Colleges. Collectively, more than 200 additional faculty and staff participated in the open forums. Our deans and other academic administrators were also engaged in the report process and all of the SAAT reports are now posted on the UAVC webpage.

    Over the next two months, our UAVC will analyze these reports to establish our university-wide strategic priorities.  Simultaneously, we will be studying different structural issues that support, enhance or inhibit the work of UConn’s academic community.  During this time-period we will continue to seek feedback from the university community (please send your input to Brandon Murray, We anticipate completing a comprehensive draft report for the university community by early February. After soliciting feedback on the draft, we will submit our final report to the Provost in March.  We intend to present the final plan to the Board of Trustees in April, 2014. 

    Again, we thank you for your efforts and for working our very ambitious timeframe.  Community input is fundamental to our Academic Vision process, and we encourage you to contact any member of the UAVC with your thoughts or comments.



    Richard L. Schwab Ph.D.

    Professor and Neag Endowed Professor of Educational Leadership

    Chair, University Academic Vision Committee

    For more information, contact: Brandon Murray at