Join Students for One Health in celebrating International One Health Day with a week of exciting One Health-related events! One Health is the idea that human, environmental, and animal health are all interconnected and that what affects one, affects the others.
Sunday 11/3, 2-5pm
Campus Clean-Up with the Lions Club
Monday 11/4, 1-4pm, Union Street
Tabling and Bamboo Toothbrush Fundraiser
Tuesday 11/5, 12-4pm, SU 304B
One Health Fair
Wednesday 11/6, 4-6pm SU 303
DIY Toothpaste
Thursday 11/7, 6:30-8pm SU 221
Fast Fashion Seminar and Discussion
Friday 11/8, 6:30-8pm SU 310
Disease Ecology Lecture
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Lech Szkudlarek and Dr. Shannon LaDeau
Hope to see you there!!
For more information, contact: Students for One Health at