This is a reminder that the Faculty Standards Committee of the University Senate will hold a forum on Faculty Promotion, Tenure & Reappointment on Friday, April 5 from 3:00pm-5:00pm. The purpose of the forum is to ensure that all faculty are aware of PTR procedures and expectations at the University and College levels, and have the opportunity to have their questions answered by the administration. The program will begin with a large group in room 304 of the Student Union with Vice Provost Volin outlining PTR procedures at the University of Connecticut. This large group meeting will be followed by breakout sessions for participating schools/colleges led by Deans or their designee outlining the nuances of the PTR process specific to each school/college.
Refreshments will be served. Faculty and staff who plan to attend are asked to reserve space by completing this survey before April 2. Reservations can also be made via the Senate website.
For more information, contact: Cheryl Galli at 860-486-2236