Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Public Presentations-Dean of Dental Medicine

    On behalf of the Search Committee, I am delighted to announce that four outstanding candidates for the position of Dean of the School of Dental Medicine will be visiting the UConn Health Center and Storrs campus the weeks of May 14 and 21. We invite you to attend the public forums at UCH where they will present briefly on their thoughts about the characteristics of a successful school of dental medicine.  The sessions have been structured to provide plenty of time for interactive dialogue and public participation is essential to a successful experience for both the candidates and the University community.  We will solicit your subsequent feedback to help inform the Provost’s eventual decision on who should lead our School of Dental Medicine.

    Candidate CVs, feedback surveys, and links to the streamed public forums, if you are unable to attend, are available here. Please note that users will need to log in with a NETID and password to access the candidate materials.

    • Candidate 1: Sharon Gordon, Tuesday, May 15th, 9:00-10:30am at School of Dental Medicine Patterson Hall. Link to watch open forum live.
    • Candidate 2: Michael Glick, Wednesday, May 16th, 9:00-10:30am at School of Dental Medicine Patterson Hall. Link to watch open forum live. 
    • Candidate 3: Russel Taichman, Thursday, May 17th, 9:00-10:30am at School of Dental Medicine Patterson Hall. Link to watch open foum live. 
    • Candidate 4: Frank Scannapieco, Tuesday, May 22nd, 9:00-10:30am at School of Dental Medicine Patterson Hall. Link to watch open forum live. 

    Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important process. We welcome your feedback and involvement.


    Jeffrey Shoulson, PhD
    Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Affairs 

    For more information, contact: Virginia White at