Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • FY17 Sponsored Programs Fringe Benefit Rates

    The University has received its approved fringe benefit rates for Sponsored Programs accounts for FY17 from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These rates are based on actual costs to the University for fringe benefits adjusted by prior years’ over and under recoveries.

    In conjunction with changes made to University (Non-Sponsored) fringe benefit rates, the Sponsored Programs rates include the following changes from fiscal year 2016:


    • Workers’ Compensation (WC) – There will no longer be a separate workers’ compensation object code in KFS (currently 5725). The workers’ comp rate will be built into the fringe rates for each employment category.


    • Special Payroll – There will be one blended rate for all Special Payroll employees. This rate will be 21.7% for FY17. Beginning this calendar year, federal law requires that the University offer health insurance to employees who meet certain eligibility requirements, and the fringe rate in future years will reflect those charges.


    Below are the approved FY17 sponsored programs fringe benefit rates by employment category:



    FY17 Rate





    Special Payroll


    Grad. Assistant, Acad Yr/Post Docs/Foreign Scholars


    Student Labor






    For more information, contact: Lori-Anne Hansen at 486-1366