Training and Professional Development

  • 11/16 Writing a Teaching Philosophy (Additional Session)

    Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


    Lunchtime Seminar

    Providing an opportunity for faculty, graduate students, and professional staff to gather with colleagues to listen, discuss, comment, interact and reflect on a variety of topics to enhance teaching and learning.

    The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers the following workshop:

    Writing a Teaching Philosophy
    Suzanne LaFleur & Laurie Wolfley, CETL – Institute for Teaching & Learning
    teaching philosophy presents a personalized capsule summary of the value and purpose of teaching and learning.  The development of a teaching philosophy has become a common practice among educators, as it can be useful—and is often recommended or required—in job applications for faculty positions and in the tenure and promotion review process.  A teaching philosophy can also be valuable to instructors who are settled into teaching.  Many of us enter the classroom on automatic pilot:  We are so focused on the material we need to cover that we are not thinking about the bigger picture—about what we really want to accomplish with our teaching.   The process of writing a teaching philosophy encourages the kind of consideration and deep reflection that makes us more mindful and deliberate in our teaching, ultimately improving our teaching effectiveness contributing positively to our learning community.  

     This workshop describes the attributes of a teaching philosophy and provides participants with the opportunity to practice writing one of their own.  The session is open to individuals at all faculty levels—including grad students, post-docs, adjuncts, APIRs, and tenure-track or tenured faculty members.  Please be thinking about what aspects of your teaching are most important to you, and bring a laptop to the session if you can.

    Monday, November 16th
    ROWE Center, room 318

    A boxed lunch will be provided.  If you have special dietary needs (vegetarian, gluten free, or both) please e-mail Stacey Valliere.  Requests made within 7 days of seminar will not be honored.

    Registration is required.

    To register and view more workshops, please visit

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at