Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/6 Geoscience Seminar Series - Andy Cohen

    Geoscience Fall 2015 Seminar Series

    Tuesday October 6th, 2015


    Student Union room 304A

    Speaker: Andy Cohen (Univerisity of Arizona)

    Talk Title: "The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Understanding the environ-mental and climatic context of human origins through scientific drilling"

    The Laboratory of Paleolimnology at the University of Arizona is leading a $10 million dollar investigation, involving over 50 scientists from 8 countries, using sediment drill cores from lake deposits to understand the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic context of human origins. Through the collection of specifically targeted drill cores from ancient lake deposits in Kenya and Ethiopia we hope to transform our understanding of how environmental change and variabilitiy may have impacted the evolution, diversification and extinction of our ancestors and near relatives.


    Refreshments will be served. 

    For more information, contact: Christin Donnelly/Center for Integrative Geosciences at