Facilities and Transportation

  • Rte. 195 Construction Project near Exit 68 Tolland

    • Rte 195 Construction Project near Exit 68 Tolland  (This is not the water pipeline project)

    • The State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation (DOT) began a construction project on July 29, 2015 that will continue through November 2016.  The project includes major widening, bridge replacement, new traffic signals along with various landscaping improvements.  The limits of the project start at exit 68 and go east approximately 1/2 mile.  There will be no interference with existing travel lanes during the hours of 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon-Fri and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat & Sun.

      The Department of Transportation and the University of Connecticut are working closely to avoid scheduling conflicts between construction and University events. 

    For more information, contact: Logistics Administration at 860-486-3628