Special Events and Receptions

  • 5/6 Get involved in the Give & Go initiative

    The UConn Give & Go initiative is an annual program that helps collect unwanted items from students at the end of the school year and distributes them to local community nonprofit service provider organizations that are in need of these items for their clients. This program helps reduce the amount of waste created on our campus by devirting useful goods to area residents in need.

    Volunteers are needed to help collect donations, organize donations and help distribute these donations to local nonprofit agencies. Volunteers can help collect donations by watching over the donation tents starting May 6 and running through May 9th. We are looking for volunteers to staff 2-hour shifts starting at 10am and ending a 4pm. If you are interested in helping to support this program through volunteering 2-hours of your time please signup at the following link https://uconncogiveandgo-copy.youcanbook.me/

    For more information, contact: Michael Morrill at michael.morrill@uconn.edu