Student Organization Events & Information

  • 2/28 UConn Swing and Blues Monthly Dance

    Calling all swing dancers, blues dancers, beginner dancers, and people who are just curious: The UCSB first monthly dance of the semester will kick off TOMORROW, February 28th, in the Student Union Ballroom!

    For those who have never been to one of our monthly dances, they are a wonderful way to get out and socialize with some new dancers. There will also be a fantastic live band, the Dylan Perrillo Orchestra, who will be playing after our beginner lesson from 7:30 to 8pm. Come learn some new moves, listen to some awesome music, and meet some cool new people!

    We can't wait to see you there and dance the night away with you!!

    When: Saturday, February 28th

    Beginner lesson 7:30-8:00pm

    Open social dancing 8:00-11:00pm

    Where: Student Union Ballroom

    Cost: *$10 donation highly encouraged*

    Check out our facebook event: 

    For more information, contact: Alisha Washer at