Arts and Entertainment

  • Tonight: A Cappella Auditions

    Interested in performing in one of the amazing a cappella groups at UConn? Auditions will take place tonight (Tuesday February 3rd) for A Minor, Conn-Men, CDN, Extreme Measures, Notes Over Storrs, The Rolling Tones and Rubyfruit. Check the groups out on social media/youtube especially if you didn't get to make it to the Spring Rush Concert this past Friday

    Come to the Music Building Atrium at 4pm to hear from each group about their audition and sign up for your time slots! You may try out for any groups you'd like, just one or multiple- your preference. Prepare a verse and a chorus from a song of your choosing that showcases your voice. Beatboxers are also highly encouraged to audition! We can't wait to hear you sing!

    For more information, contact: Shannon at