Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/4 Gov't Accountability Project's Whistleblower Tour

    The Government Accountability Project’s American Whistleblower Tour:  Essential Voices for Accountability

    Tuesday, November 4, 2014 7:00-8:30 pm, Konover Auditorium, The Dodd Center

    The event will feature GAP Senior Fellow and American Whistleblower Campaign Director Dana Gold, and two famous whistleblowers:

    • Kathryn Bolkovac, a former human rights investigator who discovered and disclosed U.N. peacekeepers’ involvement in human trafficking and forced prostitution in Bosnia. Her story is the inspiration for the 2011 film The Whistleblower starring Rachel Weisz.
    • Jack Spadaro, former head of the National Mine Safety and Health Academy who disclosed, despite pressure to stay silent, his team’s findings showing that Massey Energy had prior knowledge of problems with the mine that in 2000 spilled 300 million gallons of coal slurry into Kentucky’s streams, polluting the drinking supply and killing all life forms in the streams for 100 miles.

    The Government Accountability Project (GAP), a Washington, DC-based whistleblower protection and advocacy organization founded in 1977 in the wake of whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg’s release of the Pentagon Papers, will bring its acclaimed American Whistleblower Tour to UConn to engage our community in a discussion about the role whistleblowers play in promoting institutional accountability and the challenges they face in raising concerns about wrongdoing they witness in the workplace.
    For more information about GAP’s American Whistleblower Tour, click here:

    Sponsored by: UConn Pre-Law Center, UConn Honors Program, SUBOG Synergy Fund, Department of Environmental Studies, Department of Political Science, Office of First Year Programs, and the Rainbow Center.


    For more information, contact: Edward Kammerer at