Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/16 CHIP Workshop: Social Media, Health Behavior


    “Using Social Media in Health Behavior Research”

    Sherry Pagoto, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School

    2:00 - 4:30pm

    NEW LOCATION:  Room 321 - Board Room (3rd Floor), School of Business Building


    • This workshop is for researchers interested in leveraging online social networks in their health behavior research. Patients are increasingly flocking to online social networks to learn more about their health conditions and interact with providers and other patients.
    • Workshop participants will learn of the different ways social media has been used to recruit, survey, and administer intervention in behavioral research. 
    • Participants will also learn ways to study online social behavior on Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms. Bring your laptop / tablet to the workshop and be ready for some hands on learning!


    Center for Public Health and Health Policy, UConn Health

    Department of Allied Health Sciences, UConn

    Department of Human Development and Family Studies, UConn

    Web Stream

    You can view this workshop streamed live or afterwards at

    About the Speaker

    Dr. Pagoto is a licensed clinical psychologist, an Associate Professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and co-founder of the UMass Center for mHealth and Social Media. She is an expert in behavioral treatments for obesity. Her research leverages technology to enhance the impact and cost effectiveness of treatments for obesity with a specific focus on populations affected by depression, stress, and other mental health issues. She currently has 3 grants focused on reducing the cost and intensity of lifestyle interventions via mobile technology and online social networks. She has been continuously funded by federal grants for 11 years and has published 109 papers. Her work in mHealth was recognized in 2014 when she received the Obesity Society mHealth/eHealth Pioneer Award. Her expertise leveraging mHealth and social media for obesity has been sought by companies including Apple® and Sears®. Dr. Pagoto is also a pioneering academic voice in obesity social media with over 8K followers on Twitter and as creator of a top 10 health and fitness hashtag, #plankaday, which has over 10K adopters. Finally, she hosts two patient-oriented weight loss blogs, the award-winning and Shrink on Psychology Today.

     More information available at:


    For more information, contact: CHIP Lecture Series at