Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Academic Materials & Self-Supporting Programs Fees

    In particular academic programs and courses, student must utilize materials in order to engage in a complete learning experience. These materials include consumables (chemicals, artistic media, animal care materials), equipment with limited lifecycles (glassware, laptop computers), and components utilized in assembling systems (computer chips, electronic components). The use of these essential instructional materials is specific to particular courses or majors and, therefore, appropriately not included in the tuition paid by all students. In these courses, uniformity of the materials is essential to the pedagogical process and, thus, their acquisition must be governed.

    Self-Supporting Programs (SSP) are academic programs that rely solely on fees for instructional and all other related costs required to fully implement and deliver the academic program. An SSP does not receive or utilize tuition funds. Self-Supporting Programs are subject to Central Cost Recovery (CCR).

    Proposals for new and modified Fall 2015 Fees are due by Friday, October 17, 2014. Forms may be emailed to

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at