Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Invitation for Reviewers-Message from Vice Provost

    Dear Colleagues,


    With the start of a new school year fast approaching, The Graduate School and the Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships are also gearing up to help students prepare successful applications for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program. I also encourage faculty from all fields eligible for NSF support to consider becoming part of this year’s review panel. There are no travel requirements. The panel discussion is conducted online, with the review process beginning in December and finishing in January or early February. I have found my service on previous panels richly rewarding, and it has helped me provide better advice to UConn students who are applying for this very competitive and very prestigious award. I know many UConn colleagues who feel the same way. I hope you will join me in expressing your interest in serving on the panel, encouraging your most talented students to apply for the award, and helping us to increase the number of successful applicants.


    For more information about serving as a reviewer and to register your interest, please visit the link below.

    Dear Colleague Letter - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program - Invitation for Reviewers (NSF 14-107)


    Kent Holsinger

    Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Biology

    Vice Provost for Graduate Education

       and Dean of The Graduate School

    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at (860) 486-2182