Arts and Entertainment

  • Spring A Cappella Rush Concert Tonight

    Come out and hear all of UConn's 8 fabulous a cappella groups perform TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the Student Union Theater. There is a suggested $2 donation at the door. 

    Interested in auditioning to be in an a cappella group at UConn? We will be giving out all the details of the rush process and auditions are on Monday February 3rd in the Music Building for any singers who are interested! 

    There are 8 groups that make up the UConn A Cappella Association: A Minor, CDN-A Completely Different Note, Conn-Men, Extreme Measures, Notes Over Storrs, Rubyfruit, The Rolling Tones and UConn Chordials

    So be sure to come out and hear them all at tonight's Rush Concert!

    For more information, contact: Shannon at