Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 2/6 Education Week/PATHEways

    Education Week/PATHEways aim is to facilitate a dialogue about education within our individual communities to better serve and uplift them. The program incorporates academics and professionals, rising leaders and university students, as well as the next generation of students going into higher education. The three-day program will be an exchange of knowledge in all directions, and provide an opportunity for all participants to share what they have learned with their communities and networks.


    This program seeks to serve our individual communities in a way that magnifies our impact and unites our efforts. The national program will be held on a dozen campuses across the country.


    Events Description

    Student Leader Luncheon—Thursday 2/6

    The lunch discussion invites student leaders on campus to come together to talk about current affairs involving education work on campus and the surrounding community. The aim is to have people share ideas, along with past and future project plans, to foster collaboration.


    Education Panel—Friday 2/7

    The panel discussion is on the education topic of the individual chapter’s choice that can be geared towards a specific topic related to the surrounding community or a topic part of a larger conversation (ex: Latinos in higher ed, STEM, your university, etc.). The panel is a great opportunity to work with a university department and invite faculty to participate.


    Community Engagement Project—Friday 2/8

    The last day will be a community service project that the individual chapter organizes that aligns with our P.A.T.H.E. Initiative. The final day is an opportunity to engage an even larger audience than the last two events. It also can be a chance to collaborate with local organizations, outreach programs, and other student group.


    For more information, contact: Teach For America/La Unidad Latina at (860)302-7360