Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer at Holy Family Shelter this spring

    Enrich your life by giving back to the community and volunteering at Holy Family Shelter!

    Holy Family Shelter in Willimantic is a dry shelter for homeless women and their children.Volunteers are needed for both the afterschool program and the general shelter management.  Tasks for the children’s program include tutoring, arts & crafts, and games.  General shelter management consists of organizing, cleaning, and office work.

    Volunteers serve one day a week from 3:00 to 5:30PM including transportation which is provided by UConn Community Outreach. We have open positions on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday!

    If interested please make sure to contact Diana Perez at uconn.co.holyfamily@gmail.com for an application! The deadline for applications is Friday January 17!

    For more information, contact: Diana Perez at uconn.co.holyfamily@gmail .com