Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 1/8 TIP Office Hours for Entrepreneurs


    TIP hosts office hours with entrepreneurs-in-residence, accounting and legal partners, investors, UConn staff experts, and other visiting practitioners.

    Visit our calendar to see upcoming office hours.

    All appointments are in-person meetings at UConn TIP Farmington. 

    Office Hours at TIP
    To reserve a time slot, please email (or use signup link)
    UConn Affiliated Companies, including TIP Companies welcome to sign up!
    1/8, 1/15, 1/22 & 1/29,  Environmental Health & Safety
    with UConn Research, Robert Gottlieb
    9-10:30am, R1800 Sign up
    1/9, Venture Capital
    with Connecticut Innovations, Carrie White
    9-Noon, R1856 Sign up  
    1/9, Accounting & Tax     
    with CohnReznick LLP
    Steve Jackson, CPA and Partner, Technology and Life Sciences Practice Group
    Guergana Rangatcheva, CPA, Senior Audit Manager
    Christopher Andersen, CPA, Senior Associate
    1-3pm, R1856  Sign up 
    1/9, Small Business Development
    with CT Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Gregory Lewis
    1-3pm, R1854 Sign up
    1/19 Patents & Intellectual Property Strategy
    with Cantor Colburn LLP, Grant Ehrlich
    9-10:30am, R1854 Sign up
    1/25, Venture Capital
    with Connecticut Innovations, Pauline Murphy
    2-5pm, R1856 Sign up
    This is a service provided by the Technology Incubation Program, TIP, Office of the Vice President for Research
    For more information, contact: UConn TIP at