Lectures and Presentations

  • 10/2 MBB Journal Club: Thomas Bregnard Monday

    Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Journal Club

    Thomas Bregnard will make the following presentation at Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Journal Club on Monday, October 2, 2017, 12:00 noon, in Room E2036.

    Nature. 2017 Jul 13;547(7662):241-245. doi: 10.1038/nature22989. Epub 2017 Jun 21.  Article title: Phase separation drives heterochromatin domain formation.  Authors: Strom AR, Emelyanov AV, Mir M, Fyodorov DV, Darzacq X, Karpen GH

    For more information, contact: Bridget Clancy-Tenan/Molecular Biology and Biophysics at 860-679-2108/clancy@uchc.edu