University Safety

  • West Dock Entry Restriction

    As of July 10, 2017 UConn Health employees, students, volunteers, vendors and visitors will no longer be authorized to enter or egress the main complex via the West Dock or Gas Manifold areas.  The West Dock is an extremely busy area with deliveries from large trucks, vans and passenger cars.  Unnecessary pedestrian traffic in the area creates a hazardous condition.

    Entry via the West Dock and Gas Manifold doors will be restricted to emergency services personnel, Department of Corrections personnel, authorized Logistics Management personnel, Facilities Management personnel, food services personnel and individuals making deliveries via the West Dock.  All others must enter and exit the main complex via the University Tower entrance, the Academic entrance, the Main Road entrance, the Public Safety entrance or the Garage 2 entrance.

    Joe Curreri, Chief of Police
    Jeff Boyko, Director, Logistics Management

    For more information, contact: Public Safety at x2511