Cultural Center Events

  • 3/20 Mixed Match - Bone Marrow & Mixed Race

    Film screening of Mixed Match (96 min), an inspirational, emotional, and evocative feature length documentary that explores the need to find mixed ethnicity bone marrow and cord blood donors to donate to multiethnic patients suffering from life threatening blood diseases. Mixed Marrow hopes to spread awareness about the need for multiethnic donors worldwide.

    Mixed Match has garnered numerous best documentary and audience awards, but the biggest accomplishment has been that each screening has hosted a marrow registration drive, adding hundreds of new donors to the registry!

    The film will be followed by a panel and Q&A, and an opportunity to register as a potential donor.

    When: Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 @ 6PM to 8PM

    Where: Monteith Room 104

    This event is free and open to the public.

    Co-sponsors are AsACC, Asian/Asian American Studies Institute, Half Asian People Association (HAPA), UConn BeTheMatch On Campus Club, UConn Love Your Melon Crew and UConn Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity.

    For more information, contact: Asian American Cultural Center at