
  • Call for Nominations: 2018 CLAS DEI Awards

    2018 CLAS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion awards

    The CLAS Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council is proud to announce two new annual awards, the CLAS Award for Social Justice, and the CLAS Award for Diversity, Inclusion and Equality.

    The CLAS Award for Social Justice shall recognize a CLAS faculty member whose activities over the past five or more years has increased campus awareness of issues of marginality and discrimination, and whose teaching and research exhibit the values of diversity and plurality. The recipient will receive $1k in research funds which can be used toward travel expenditures.

    The CLAS Award for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality shall be awarded to a team of CLAS faculty, staff, and students who initiated one or more projects that worked to promote a more inclusive and equitable local, national, or global society within the college in the previous calendar year. Teams can be interdisciplinary in their memberships and may involve research institutes, student clubs, and other organizations affiliated with CLAS. Projects can include community outreach, professional mentoring, recruitment and retention initiatives, and artistic renderings of the issues and experiences of students, staff, or faculty.  The awardee(s) will be honored by the CLAS Dean’s office at a sponsored luncheon or dinner.

    Nominees of either award must submit a nomination packet to Maryann Markowski the CLAS Dean’s Office ( by 11:59 PM on Friday, March 23, 2018.

                 The packet should include the following:

     (1)       The names, titles, and affiliations of all members of nominated teams; campus affiliations, majors, and class standing of student nominees; and the job titles and campus offices of staff and faculty nominees.

     (2)       A 500-word essay that describes how the nominees’ activities have contributed to the diversity goals of the college.  At least two letters of endorsement sent to the Dean’s Office.  One letter should be written by a current faculty or staff member within CLAS.  The other letter can be authored by a current or former student.

    The winners of the awards will be announced at the annual CLAS College-wide Celebration on May 1st.  During the inaugural year of the awards (2018), the selection committee will be composed of volunteers from the CLAS Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council and will be chaired by the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In academic year 2018-2019, the composition of the selection committees will also feature Spring 2018 awardees. 


    For more information, contact: Ernie Zirakzadeh at