Arts and Entertainment

  • 2/28 MFA Studio Art Thesis Preview Exhibition

    On Wednesday Feb. 28th Greenhouse Studios, located on the 1st floor of the Homer Babbage Library, will host the opening reception of the MFA Studio Art Thesis Preview from 4-6pm.

    This event is the first art exhibition to be shown in the newly installed gallery space within Greenhouse Studios.

    The exhibition features the work of the five current, third-year studio art graduate students and serves as a preview of their work before the culmination of their final thesis exhibition to held at the William Benton Museum of Art, beginning in April.

    Featured artwork by:

    Kelsey Miller

    Kaleigh Rusgrove

    Erin Smith

    Jelena Prljevic

    Claire Stankus

    Curated by: River Soma


    Please join us for some art, inspiration and the celebration of our new gallery space. All are welcome and light refreshments will be served.

    For more information, contact: River Soma at