Volunteer Opportunities

  • Student Volunteer Education Chair

    Are you interested in international aid, but are worried about the ethical ramifications of humanitarian aid? Us too!


    Global Brigades at UConn is an active volunteer group that sends volunteers to Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Ghana to work with communities on clean water projects, public health initiatives, women's and children's legal matters, local business education programs, as well as other important projects. In an effort to learn more about international aid and to learn how to be effective, respectful volunteers, we are looking for an education chair to help train our volunteers and trip leaders. This person would help our leaders create plans for the semester to learn about culture, language, brigade-related skills, and the etihcs of international aid. This person does not need to personally possess all of this knowledge, but rather should be willing to connect with resources on and off campus to provide this training. For more information, please email Jamie at gbuconn@gmail.com, and please put Education Chair in your subject line.

    For more information, contact: Jamie at gbuconn@gmail.com